A review by dragon_lion64
Dragonsworn by Sherrilyn Kenyon


By Sherrilyn Kenyon
Dark-Hunter #21/Hunter Legends (First I've heard of this one)/Lords of Avalon #/Were-Hunter #

Another great adventure by Sherrilyn Kenyon! This time she paired a dragon named Falcyn with a daimon named Medea who, inadvertently, get sucked into another realm along with her sort of kind of brother Urian and his grandson Blaise who thinks he is his brother.

Medea needs Falcyn's dragonstone to heal her people from a disease her grandfather Apollo, the god, brought down upon them. Morgen Le Fey, the evil leader of Camelot and Apollo also want the stone so they keep sending their minions after them and setting traps to try to steal it.

I'm not sure I like the Lords of Avalon spin on this series because it just complicates an already complex storyline and I get a little lost. I have read all of this author's series except for the Lords of Avalon series which was her first series she ever wrote under the pseudonym Kinley MacGregor. I read the first one but really didn't like it that much so I never read the rest. I'm glad I did read that first one though because it helped me understand some of the references in this book.
I won't put spoilers in but there was a revelation in this book which will affect Urian but I'm not sure it will be a good thing.

There are still a lot of characters who need their story told like Jared, Savitar and my favorite Jaden just to name a few.

I can't wait for the next one.
