A review by billymac1962
No Great Mischief by Alistair MacLeod


This was a Christmas gift from my mom, and it is also one that I would have bought for myself.
It won several international awards, and the back cover and inside pages are lush with glowing reviews from across the literary landscape of esteemed writers and reviewers.
(You can see where I'm going with this, can't you?)

It's a story that roots itself, for the most part, in my birthplace, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia And, it's a novelization about the MacDonald clan! This novel had so much going for it for me before I even cracked the cover open that it pains me now to write a disappointed review.
Not that it was that bad, but because it wasn't that great. There were some nice observances and some good imagery, but I don't know, the novel as a whole just had a certain blandness to it and didn't really do a whole lot for me.
It was short, so not a lot of time to devote to it so sure, give it a shot if you want. Who knows, you just may respond like the Globe and Mail reviewer who called this the book of the decade. Funny, I seem to find all "great writers (Ondaatje, etc.)" terribly bland and uninteresting. Maybe ahm jus' stoopid.