A review by paul_viaf
The Waste Land and Other Poems: Including the Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot


I had finished reading Four Quartets prior to reading this work. I would say that while I found this work entertaining, his skills had definitely evolved by the time of the publication Four Quartets had been issued, though it is the less popular of the two. I respect the fact that he is a well-read man & that this work marks a momentus change in the style of writing but I find that he borrows far too much for it to be considered one of better works. I know this is a common knock on this writer but I do not have the same furious qualm most people have. I think it is fine to reference just not in this massive quantity. I found it interesting to see the feelings of ineptitude & envy towards Dante. It is fascinating to see that in a writer so many revere as a literary giant. My favorite poem is the The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock because it has the originality & drawings from & the ingenuity I came to respect in his later works. I will probably revisit it in the future & perhaps I will develop a new understanding & love for it.