A review by a_reader_obsessed
Assimilation, Love, and Other Human Oddities by Lyn Gala


4.5 Stars

Now if every D/s book I read (which isn't many) was like this, I would wholly embrace the genre. This strips things bare and shows what I assume, or would like, as an ideal representation. Perhaps since it wasn't a human/human relationship with traditional reciprocating sex, this probably made the extra difference.

Hands down Ondry was the best part of this book. He may not truly grasp the human concept of love, but he knows loyalty and faithfulness. Towards Liam, he is generous, considerate, proud. He values his opinion, wants to make him happy, covets his attention and affection - and he will guard that with the utmost ferocity and devotion. If that isn't love, I don't know what is. In essence, he epitomizes a true "alpha" male - he's my Liam's wet dream.

Now while I said that this isn't a conventional romance, that really is besides the point. Ondry and Liam's relationship was beautiful, each putting the other first. They fit perfectly together and I can envision many prosperous and happy years ahead of them. I would have no problem reading a series about their trading adventures for years to come. Yes I know I'm totally waxing poetic, but I've got a whole 225 pages to back me up.

Lyn Gala just wowed me with this - not to mention how she deftly, smartly expanded on the world and culture of Rownt. What's equally fascinating is her dissection of all our human fallacies - emotions, labels, attachments, the way we think and how that thinking is often illogical based on no concrete facts. It's quite a scathing look at human nature in all it's glory and I'm wholly impressed.

Again. Loved it. Want more of it.