A review by actual_hobbit
Gena/Finn by Hannah Moskowitz, Kat Helgeson


I'm at a loss on how to rate this novel. On one hand, it provides such an amazing portrayal of online life and fandom. The conversations between Gena and Finn, as well as their online friends, felt so authentic that at times I honestly thought I was a part of a real online conversation. I was also impressed by how realistically the authors portrayed things like conventions and fanfiction and fandom disputes. So kudos on that.

On the other hand, I was really disappointed by the ending and lack of development at the close of the novel. Finn's inability to commit to either person she loves was frustrating to read, and from a diversity standpoint, not meaningful--not once is her (or Gena's) sexuality brought into focus or examined, which leaves the novel with so much unused potential. Gena's depression and grief was well-written at the start, but the tragedy and her battle for mental health didn't seem to accomplish anything other than moving the plot along. There's no lesson learned, and the book ended without a feeling of resolution.

In short, I was 100% into this story for the first 2/3, and then everything fell flat. I had such high hopes...