A review by read_n_wright
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas


One of the best books I've had the pleasure of reading! It was much more accessible than I expected considering the size.

Dantes is on the up as a young and honorable man who just got a promotion at work and is about to marry the love of his life when jealous acquaintances collude to have him thrown in jail so they can use his absence to their advantage. Rotting in a dungeon for 14 years, Dantes swears a solemn vow to destroy everyone who was involved in his capture.

Whilst in jail, Dantes learns politics, maths, economics, languages and everything that would be relevant in helping him destroy his enemies but it is only once he is out and on his path of vengeance that he learns what it means to be truly human.

Such a satisfying read that took me on emotional rollercoaster where I loved, hated, admired, despised the characters and had no idea what would be coming next. The twists and turns and intricacy of the story were incredible!

Also, a celebrated classic written by a black author at a time while many others were still enslaved and oppressed