A review by stateofgrace
Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World by Naomi Klein


A riveting explanation into the post-Covid conspiracy world. This book provides an insight into the state of today, framed through the dramatic transformation of Naomi Wolf, from a respected liberal feminist into an alt-right Covid conspiracy peddler. There's no one particular focus of this book, but all of the topics feel relevant, from the discussion of individualism versus collectivism, to the comparison between the two Canadian trucking convoys, to the written work of Phillip Roth. In particular, I found it very enlightening when Klein discussed how the history of genocide in Africa and the Americas informed the Holocaust in Europe and the genocide against Palestine in the twenty-first century. 

For me, personally, the past four years have felt like such a nightmarish blur, but this book really helped me make sense of what the world has gone through in the last four years.