A review by radishcake
Dead Girls Don't Write Letters by Gail Giles


I really love the premise of this book and I love the writing. My only real problem with Gail Giles is that I find that her books end abruptly. Granted, I've only read two of them, [book:Shattering Glass] & this one, but they both were all build up and then duh duh, big ending!
This one especially. I wanted to find out more about Sunny and what was going on. It's like the book ended in the middle. It's only literally the last 4 pages of the book that there is any question of the reliability of the narrator. Then to bring it back to the supernatural in the LAST SENTENCE was, I thought, kind of cheap.
I love the writing and I think she's got a great talent for making you think about the psychology of the story but I am unsatisfied with the resolution, or lack there of. :)