A review by okstaples
By Blood We Live by Glen Duncan


Definitely not Duncan's best - although he's taking the very subtle yet unmistakeable piss out of the urban fantasy genre, at times it becomes difficult to tell whether a section is a parody or simply poor prose. However. HOWEVER. If you've been following the trilogy, By Blood We Live is absolutely essential reading; plot-wise, I can barely fault it. I was entertained and intrigued the whole way through, and the ending had me practically screaming. Duncan's provided a more than satisfying coda to the series in the form of a hugely fun and gripping story that still manages to ponder some big questions. Although I wouldn't recommend BBWL on its own, I'd consider it vital to anyone who liked The Last Werewolf and Talulla Rising. And as a long-time fan of Duncan's work, I can't wait to see what he does next.