A review by allyreadsromance
Caught Between Two Billionaires by Skye Warren


Survival of the Richest
Give this book ALL the STARS!!!!
I really don't know what to say! There are so many adjectives and expletives that are going through my head!
Every time I thought I knew what I wanted Skye broke my heart, made it soar, and then changed my mind! This is a true love, love triangle. I just don't know what to think.
I love Harper, Christopher, and Sutton!!! All the games! The control for power, money, and love! OMG! I am off to read book 2. Until then, know I am flipping out inside and losing my freaking mind!
Skye, you are both brilliant and slightly sadistic, but I love you anyway!

Evolution of Man
Evolution of Man can share ALL THE STARS with Survival of the Richest!
This was the perfect ending to Harper’s story!

****Be warned I talk about my feelings about end but I DO NOT USE NAMES!
Did this book shatter me over and over again, yes!

It wasn't until the very end when I was sure who Harper should be with. Both men completed her in some way! This is one of the best love triangles I've ever read! There was someone I felt was the constant but the other was there in the way she needed too!
Skye wrote an emotional story that gave Harper her Happily Ever After with the right man in the way they both needed!!