A review by rachcannoli
Karamo: My Story of Embracing Purpose, Healing, and Hope by Karamo Brown


I utterly adore Queer Eye and every one of the fab 5, each book gives you a little more insight into the man and what turned him into the person we see today, and this is no different. Karamo goes into his childhood struggles such as having a non-anglican name, father issues, and grappling with his love of the church and his own identity as gay man. Similar to JVN's book, he's also had a very turbulent relationship with drugs, addiction, and abuse and recounts how these trials have shaped him and how he's bettered himself. There's a lot of really dark stuff in here, it makes you see things differently, such as how terrible his time on the Real World Philadelphia was, how the media has portrayed him, or how he is shown quite sparingly in season one of QE. It also hurts my heart reading the parts that should be happy about his now ex-fiance, it obviously doesn't reflect poorly on the book, it was just sad to read.

I find it truly commendable the amount of hardship Karamo has faced and is still able to come out with such a beautiful, positive attitude. He's brutally honest throughout the entire book, even for the multiple moments that didn't portray him in the best light. I do kind of wish he weaved in the show and his life coach abilities a bit more throughout the book. Especially considering all he's done to shape the culture category of the show in the amazing way he has, I wanted even more about it. It's a quick read and his prose reads just as he speaks so I was definitely engaged. I would've read another 100 pages of him just waxing philosophically about how he's taken all of these hardships and twisted them into the person he's become today. Basically if you love Karamo you will certainly not be disappointed with this read at all and will glean a further understanding of this incredible person from this glimpse into his head.