A review by pagesplotsandpints
Snow White and Rose Red by Patricia C. Wrede


This was such a fun read and surprisingly quick! Thanks to Alyssa for suggesting this one for an OtSP read! :)
Well. The best thing about this for me was the personalities. I loved the characters and thinking back on it (well, after having just finished), they're what really stand out for me. I LOVED every single character and the ending was just perfect.
Well, this also takes place in an Elizabethan sort of setting and the language matches soooo. It was a bit much for me at times. Like, if I wasn't reading this with Alyssa & Amy, I probably would have easily been scared away by the language alone (thee! thou! eek!) but I started to get the hang of it. Sometimes I felt less scholarly. Sometimes I felt more scholarly. Sometimes I just got lost in the story and the language wasn't as apparent BUT definitely something for new readers to be aware of!
A fun retelling too. I'm not as familiar with the original tale -- I think I read way back in the day when I was a kid but forgot a lot about it -- so it was fun to read it as a retelling that still felt very close to the original tale.

Mini-review posted on The Book Addict's Guide 1/14/15: I read SNOW WHITE AND ROSE RED with Alyssa & Amy for our December On the Same Page read (it’s one of Alyssa’s favorites) and after not liking Amy’s favorite, I was terrified. I got a couple pages into the book and was like, “Holy cow. That’s a lot of thee & thou & thy.” But as I read on, it really wasn’t as daunting as it first seemed. I’m not used to the language so yes, it did affect my read a little bit because I had to concentrate more, but overall, the book was very enjoyable!

SNOW WHITE AND ROSE RED is actually one fairy tale I remember reading as a kid (at least I THINK I read the original…) and it stuck out in my mind. I really enjoyed Patricia C. Wrede’s adaptation and how she changed the tale in little ways to make it her own story and these changes actually really helped me grow attached to the book too. I’m notoriously hesitant about fairy books but after falling in love with books like Heir of Fire and A Court of Thorns and Roses, I’m definitely coming around so I was so happy to see that not only was it something that I wasn’t afraid of in SWRR but also something that I enjoyed.

I loved the characters and they totally made the book for me. They were SO much fun with so much personality. I’m glad I was pushed to read this one with Alyssa & Amy because I would not have done it without them!