A review by dc7
Auctioned by Cara Dee


Thriller meets m/m romance!

Cara Dee did a great job here, telling a story that is emotionally taxing and goes into pretty dark territory without getting overly graphic. I appreciate that! The suspense comes from the setting, the constant feeling of imminent danger and not from gore and gruesome depictions of violence. The latter is definitely implicated but never depicted in such a way that it became unreadable for me (there's a point where I draw a firm line and refuse to consume books or films that cross it).

The story is compelling, disturbing even. The stakes feel real and I really felt for the characters. Unlike some other romance novels this one doesn't line up sex scene after sex scene - there is only one - which felt appropriate given the plot.

I read the book in one evening and the following morning, it was hard to put down. Great story telling. The novel has a satisfying ending but there is more story to be told.