A review by elephant
Year of No Clutter by Eve O. Schaub


This is a humorous memoir of how the author worked through her issues with clutter. As the book began, she had read Marie Kondo's book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, which I have also read, and quite frankly, a lot of that book is very weird. I did stop balling up my socks after reading her book, but not because they can't rest that way, I just think it helps the elastic last longer and I don't thank my inanimate objects for their service or empty my purse nightly so it can rest. Kondo's book is popular, but people are either ignoring that stuff or they are all weird and I am not. Anyway, as a result, Eve, the author of this book, decided to clean out her "hell room", a large room in her house filled with clutter. As the book goes on she visited the home of a deceased hoarder and wondered if she had hoarding tendencies. The book is funny and fun to read and it inspired me to get rid of more of my clutter - I will have a bag of stuff picked up tomorrow. Like Eve, I still have things I need to work on - I had a difficult time finding an important piece of paperwork this morning - so I will continue working on making things neater and keeping less unimportant items.