A review by pagesofpins
Dear Exile: The Story of a Friendship Separated (for a Year) by an Ocean by Kate Montgomery, Hilary Liftin


I was impressed that real letters were filled with such insight and poetic language. After college, Kate gets married and joins the Peace Corps with her husband, while Hilary stays behind and has adventures in successful adulting. They're both great writers, but I confess I found Kate's missives about struggling with justice vs culture and living in horrific conditions much more thought provoking than Hilary's, though Hilary does reflect being equally lost (searching for affordable housing, taking jobs no one understands, having various relationships with sucky men who do not treat her well). I really, really felt like I was watching Seinfeld. Also, Kate's husband is hilarious. I enjoy his short postscripts.

The book is a bit dated now (Hilary is explaining what instant messenger and cybersex are to her overseas friend, who is shocked to learn that there are now blue M&M's).

They seem unable to keep up their closeness when Kate returns, or perhaps its just too strange being exiles in the same city. A believeable ending, most friendships are usually in a flux state when you're becoming an adult, but a bit melancholy as well.

Overall, this is anecdote gold, but I am curious in the motivations of the authors in publishing it. Is there a message they were hoping to convey? Preserving all that is important in friendship for posterity? Make a few bucks?

3.5 stars