A review by electraheart
Hunted by Elizabeth Heiter


I had no idea that this was going to be that good. Dang. I'm just going to bullet point the reasons I loved this book.

- A book about the FBI BAU made me want to start watching Criminal Minds again
- Evelyn is a flawless, badass, woman of color and works amazingly as a lead in a cast dominated by males. She fights (arguably too) hard to get her job done on her own, because she understands the stigma of a woman working in the FBI and she'll do anything to crush that
- When I say flawless, I mean that there are times she's wrong, when she doubts herself, when she lets her job take over her personal life, when her temper flares up. She's like a real human being and isn't perfect just because she's a fictional character
- I really enjoyed the scenes from the killer's perspective
- I read this book in two sittings and only stopped because I had to work, otherwise I would have stayed up all night to finish. I was sucked in immediately and was hooked at every chapter's end