A review by philomath_in_phila
Broken by John Rector


I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review. The opinions are entirely my own, and any quotes are taken from the ARC and may be different in the final published copy.

Magnolia (Maggie) is not surprised when her estranged twin sister is murdered by her abusive husband. She travels to Beaumont Cove, the town where her sister and Mike lived. Mike protests his innocence, and, at first, she does not believe him. Wandering around town and looking into her sister's time there, she begins to have doubts. Hiring a local PI, Maggie looks into her sister's murder and wonders if Mike is telling the truth.

Broken by John Rector is a short, quick read. It is 284 pages. The story flows well, but I did not connect with the characters. The town is supposed to feel creepy, but it came across as similar to a New Jersey tourist town during the off-season, devoid of tourists. The "big reveal" from one of the characters' past was not surprising, although it did explain his actions.

The cover and description of the book made it seem as if the story was going to be scary or suspenseful. It was neither. While it was worth reading, the book felt too short and not fully fleshed out.

According to Goodreads, Rector's short fiction won several awards, including the International Thriller Award for his novella, Lost Things.

This 200-word review will be published on Philomathinphila.com on 9/15/20.