A review by calistareads
The Boy of the Three-Year Nap by Dianne Snyder


I really enjoyed this story. It is an adapted Japanese folktale. A mother is raising a son who loves to sleep. He sleeps all the time. He is a trickster. He comes up with a plan to have a life so that he does not have to work. The whole town knows he is lazy and they call him the boy of the 3 year nap. His mother works very hard and barely has enough food.

There is much cunning in this story. The boy conjures a plan so that he will marry the most wealthiest man’s daughter and live a life of ease. His plan works, mostly. His mother also makes some plans of her own. The boy ends up marrying the wealthy daughter and they have a lovely home. The mother gets him a busy job at the merchants. The boy doesn’t want the job, but he and the girl find much happiness in life.

I think this is saying sometimes to get what you want in life, you have to figure out new ways of doing things and be a little sneaky. I think my nephew is a little sneaky and I think he will do well in this life. He does not sleep much though.

I love the artwork and the Japanese flavor that is brought through in the story.

The niece thought that this was a good story. She gave this 4 stars. The nephew really loved this story. He thought the boy was very smart. He gave this 5 stars. Look at that. There was only sort of a monster/goblin thing in it and that was a person and the nephew still enjoyed the story. Progress.