A review by pwbalto
Pilot & Huxley: The first adventure by Dan McGuiness


But if all this sounds tedious and juvenile to you, if a book that forces its characters to move from scene to scene via laser and/or giant instances of some of the gooier anatomical orifices sounds like it's pandering to the lowest common denominator, you should not read this book. Also, it is possible that you are my grandmother. Loved my grandmother, but she did not have one ounce of pretween boy in her, unless you count Hermie Edlund's little brother, who went missing in 1948, right about the time that Grandma was living in that gingerbread house in the middle of the forest.

Full review on Pink Me: http://pinkme.typepad.com/pink-me/2011/02/pilot-huxley-dan-mcguiness-review.html