A review by kays_pallet
Fire King by Milly Taiden


Yet another unbelievable romance where they fall in love after knowing each other for less than a day.

Have you ever seen a typo that takes you so completely out of the story that you have to reassess if you even like what you read up to this point? That happens here. A few times. I mean, the book is littered with small typos that I can get over, then we get to page 50:

"“There are no parents,” he said as if that was a normal thing.
Wait. She didn’t understand the plural “we.”"

I know that this is taken out of context, but trust me, more context won't help. Was this book even proof read?

Carrying on, we get to the monstrosity on pgs. 53-54. There is 5 whole paragraphs repeated, with a slight difference as if it was meant to be a second draft. Five whole paragraphs. How do you miss that?

Aside from the awful typos, I really didn't like Chelsea. Her and her cousins have no respect for this new place and laugh it off as "lol we can't take them anywhere." Love that. Also Chelsea has so much attitude, mostly unprovoked:

"His lips twisted. “Yes, but they don’t live in a demon’s hellhole with nothing but dirt around them. They’re not worried about their children dying from rocks smashing them in their beds at night. They are not concerned about their magic vanishing.”
Chelsea stepped back, searching for something to say. “Sounds like you have some issues to work on.”"

So disrespectful. Some might find that funny or endearing, not my cup of tea. The other characters are just unrealistic and child like.

There so many inconsistencies. Like Chelsea willingly stays with the dark elves while her cousins are...what? Trapped and the light elf village because Chelsea has the stones? Or did someone else send them back? Why are they not mentioned when Chelsea first makes contact with Avery? Another one that really distracts me is the grandmom was like "Don't tell ppl that your a human," then Chelsea makes it very clear that she's not from around here every chance she gets.