A review by blanyon
Empire by Orson Scott Card


The story is interesting and the concept is entirely plausible to some extent.. the biggest issue with the book is that Card clearly hates anyone who isn’t a Christian conservative. Spoiler, the progressives are the bad guys and he spends a lot of time having characters voice his disdain for them and how they’re ruining America (even before the rebellion). Yes he occasionally throws in cessily who chimes “this could easily be the other way around with the fanatic right rebelling,” but shortly after it goes back to the same old song and dance. (What’s ironic, writing this in 2023, is that the plot revolves around the progressive left being unhinged because they can’t accept the results of an election… and yet I’m sure to Cards dismay, it wasn’t the progressives that played this out in reality, but his darling fanatic conservatives who became unhinged failing to accept an election and stormed Congress…