A review by kp_hobbitreads
Hand Picked by May Archer


#1 Pick Me: ★★★★✮ | 4.5 stars
#1.5 Pick One: ★★★★☆ | 4 stars
#2 Hand Picked: ★★★★★ | 5 stars

I have been looking forward to this book since I read Pick Me last year, and it was absolutely worth the wait.

Luke Williams moved to Vermont after winning his dream house in a contest. But, you know what they say about things being too good to be true? Instead of the gorgeous house and a welcoming small town that Luke is expecting, he finds a house that is literally falling down around him. And, after a misstep with the town hero Webb Sunday, Little Pippin Hollow becomes a much less welcoming place than Luke had hoped. Webb Sunday doesn't like his son's favorite teacher Mr. Williams, and after getting drunk in the local pub he decides to tell Luke that to his face. But, after a conversation with the man, Webb is forced to admit that maybe he was being a little harsh in his judgement. When Luke and Webb try to officially cement their new friendship, they find themselves accidentally sort of married.

Luke and Webb are fantastic characters. Luke is the ray of sunshine that really is trying to make the best of every situation, and I just wanted to hug him. Webb is lumberjack single dad that is trying to take care of everyone else and forgets to take care of himself. (Even if I did want to smack him a time or two.) I'm admittedly a sucker for a grumpy character realizing they've completely misjudged the sunshine character. Watching these two fall in love as their friends and family try to trick them into completing the steps to be officially married was delightful.

I also really liked the way the custody dispute with Webb's ex-wife was handled. Especially the way Luke reacted to the situation and how he talked about it with both Webb and Aiden. There was no pitting the ex and the new partner against each other, just adults who loved Aiden and wanted the best for him.

Three Thoughts:
1. I loved the way Webb handled his bi-awakening. There was no freakout or internalized homophobia. Just a guy realizing that there was this new part of himself and wanting to see where it goes. And, the chemistry between these two was phenomenal.
2. Commemorative scrolls? *chef's kiss*
3. This book had just the right amount of meddling townsfolk in it for me. It never crossed over into irritating, but they made me laugh plenty.

This was an utter delight from start to finish. And, I find out upon completing it that Book 3 will be Jack and Hawk's book? Yes, please. *grabby hands* If you haven't read this series yet, what are you waiting for?

content warnings: mentions of a custody battle and flakey parenting, sex (on page)