A review by victoriadiesattheend
No Matter the Wreckage by Sarah Kay

I feel weird rating poetry. These are probably beautiful when they’re performed by Sarah as spoken word. It’s hard to translate that as words on paper.

I do think this style of poetry isn’t really for me anymore and I likely would’ve enjoyed this more when I was younger (this collection of poems was big when I was in high school and I LOVED Sarah Kay’s work as a little creative writing student). While some of the poems had similar themes, it seemed a little disjointed as a collection of poems. The poems focusing on love and relationships were the strongest in my opinion.

Some of my favorites…

“I will Hansel and Gretel you home……. There will be more sweat than you are used to. More skin. More words than necessary. My hair in the shower drain, my smell on your sweaters, bobby pins all over the window sills…..I will wake you up early with my heavy heartbeat. You will say, can’t we just sleep in, and I will say No, trust me. You don’t want to miss a thing.” from Love Poem #137

“There are other trees. We can always squeeze in one more.” and “Poor Kansas. All cornfields and sky works. All apple pie. Nobody to notice is it’s missing. Just all that open space to grow in.” from The Oak Tree Speaks

“If it were me, when the book arrives, I would immediately start scanning pages to find any trace of me” and “You do not need to look very hard to find your shadow here. Your fingerprints are on these pages. So many of your footsteps in the snow.” from The First Poem in the Imaginary Book

“How strange, that when you are away, I reach for my cell phone’s buzz as if it were your hand. Each shiver in my pocket, a way to find you.” from Paws

“I never wanted to hide my body from him. If I could have, I am sure I would have given it all away with the rest of me. I did not know it was possible to keep some things for myself.” from Private Parts

“there’s nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it’s swept away.” from B

“I know where most things are but give me enough time and I can lose anything” from And Found