A review by giulay
Tyler Johnson Was Here by Jay Coles


"What lesson did I have to be taught?
Not to be a concerned individual?
Not to care about someone else’s innocent life, the boy lying unconscious across from me?
Not to care about my own life?
Not to be a member of my own race?"

Actual rating: 3.5 ⭐️

Okay. First thing first: this cover is gorgeous. 😍
Now that that’s been settled, lemme express my feelings towards this book.

This story is about police brutality and racial issues in all their shapes and forms. In all their sickening nuances.
What is depicted in these pages is a reality that many black teens in America have to face - and that’s, to be quite honest, disgusting.

The fact that books like this exists is beautiful, important and very much VITAL.
I’m so glad that the armed elephant in the room is finally being addressed. Through books such as this one, [b:The Hate U Give|32075671|The Hate U Give|Angie Thomas|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1476284759s/32075671.jpg|49638190], [b:Dear Martin|24974996|Dear Martin|Nic Stone|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1495747080s/24974996.jpg|44640226], and [b:Long Way Down|22552026|Long Way Down|Jason Reynolds|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1520008013s/22552026.jpg|42009801], people are finally (hopefully) realising how wrong and terrifying today’s society can be.

As far as [b:Tyler Johnson Was Here|35604682|Tyler Johnson Was Here|Jay Coles|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1505137706s/35604682.jpg|54835757] goes, though, I personally thought it lacked a bite. Comparison between this book and the others previously mentioned are obvious and evident and I gotta admit that this book was somewhat less striking. Reading this was a somewhat less marking experience. Still, the writing style was effortless and natural; it flowed from the heart and it felt personal. And the story itself was interesting enough.
The characters were compelling and diverse if not a bit two-dimensional.

Injustice, petty hate crimes and racism are - spoiler - harmful in every and any way. I loved the fact that this book did not shy away from the pain, the rage and the struggles the black community is forced to face.
I also particularly enjoyed how the influence (both positive and negative) of social media is highlighted, and how important peaceful demonstrations can be to express the malaise of a community.

Unfortunately, though, even if the message was a very important one, there were other things that just didn’t really sit well with me:
1. The romance. Was it needed? Mmm…I’d say no? I mean, it was sweet and the love interest was literally a star but…it gave nothing to the story and it kinda felt also insta-lovey so… :/ bummed by the romance.
2. Can there be such a thing as “too intense”? Because that’s how I felt. This book was incredibly intense and dense. So many negative and racist things happened in such a short period of time it was almost unbearable.
3. Every single white character was a piece of pure shit? I mean, quite literally every single one? The principal for example. God, he was depicted as mean for the pure sake of it. No rhyme or reason. For example, why was Principal Dodson such a jerk?? It was almost…laughable, tbh. I guess that what I’m trying to say is: gimme a reason for their shitty behaviour and then I’m on board. But you gotta give me a reason because otherwise I’m just left disgusted and hopeless. Because of this lack of depth for the white characters’ actions, everything and everybody felt a bit stereotypical :/ and therefore, the message and the novel as a whole lost their power.

Nonetheless, this was a fast, vital and timely read and I’m glad I read it.

Justice, respect, understanding and equity are SO IMPORTANT! I’m disgusted and horrified by the fact that they are not absolute and they still feel like a utopia. It’s 2018, for Christ’s sake

"Who do you even call when the cops are the ones being the bad guys? Who do you even beg to protect you?"