A review by k_lenn
Echoes Between Us by Katie McGarry


I’m sad this book didn’t come out when I was younger, because middle-school-me would have absolutely *adored* Veronica and Sawyer’s love story! I would’ve read this a billion times (barely exaggerating) and died swooning over the kiss scenes each time. Now that I’m older, though, it all seems a bit cheesy and overly predictable. (Not to say it was bad, though, because it definitely wasn’t.)

I enjoyed the more serious themes of it— illness, death, personal accountability, and battling addiction. It’s also a Christian novel with mentions of God and prayer, which kind of worried me at first. The last time a book sprung religion on me unexpectedly, I was preached at up the wazoo and it ruined the story. Thankfully, though, Echoes Between Us stayed preach-free.

Overall, it was a cute read that I was able to breeze through, filled with characters that you automatically root for. If that sounds like something you'd like, I definitely recommend! :-)

A big thank you to the publisher, Macmillan/Tor Books, for allowing me to read this title in exchange for an honest review.