A review by sassysmutlover
The Lord Meets His Lady by Gina Conkle


*I received a copy from the author in exchange for my honest review

The suspense of will they fall in love will drive you mad! I was hooked from the start with her red cloak and the mystery surrounding her. The instant connection and fun flirting between them throughout the story was perfect and a favorite part of the whole story. I was on the edge of my seat about her past and wondering what was going to happen. There is so much going on in this story that I couldn't put it down. I was holding my breath every time that man came around because I had no clue what he had planned. The ending was perfectly unexpected and left me wanting to know about his brother.

Genevieve wants one thing and that is to start her new life where she doesn't have to do what someone else says. I have a love-hate relationship with her because I love her spirit, bluntness and that she is not an innocent miss. But at times I wanted to shake her because she kept running and wouldn't listen even though I understand why. 

Marcus was determined to leave his vices behind him and restore his reputation. I loved him because he was always honest and didn't hide what he wanted. He just wasn't always the best at voicing things right and would get himself into more of a mess. The sacrifices he was willing to make will melt your heart.