A review by aligra77
A Single Thread by Tracy Chevalier


Violet Speedwell has lost her brother and her fiancé in WW1 and like many other women finds herself without a role in life. She escapes her domineering mother to live in Winchester and secures a role as a typist. One day she happens across a group of Broderers in Winchester Cathedral who needlepoint kneelers for the church. She is accepted into the group and here her journey into her new found confidence begins. The Cathedral also has a group of male bell ringers who add another interesting facet to her story. Through friendship and community Violet gradually finds her voice in an era of surplus women and eventually overcomes hers grief and loss. This is a heartwarming story, beautifully written by Tracy Chevalier. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I received a free copy of this book. A favourable review was not required and all opinions expressed here are my own.