A review by amy9909
Marry in Secret by Anne Gracie


This author decided to ask the questions 'how does a young couple separated by time and trauma rekindle their relationship' and 'how will a woman betrayed and used by her husband forgive and love him' and generally takes away any intriguing motivations or complex emotions from these characters (namely the man because this is a cheap romance, and thus woman aren't flawed because they aren't even the main characters no matter how they market it), and then decided those questions couldn't possibly be interesting, let's instead answer to question 'who be stealin'. As soon as I learnt that the plot was abandoning half it's characters half way through and any complexity or depth in favour of fixing the problems off-screen so nobody had to deal with any negative emotions or consequences for even a second, I literally had to force myself to finish it and lost any interest in the story. My expectations were low, I am generally very easy to please, but those expectations literally got shattered with how disappointing this book gets. Such a waste of time.