A review by a_j_torres0
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis


The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is a Children/Middle Grade Portal Fantasy novel, book 2 in the series.

Book Cover: 5* - I really love illustrated covers, and although this style is pretty old, it's still wonderful to look at. To me, it just makes the Narnia covers vibrant and whimsical to look at, making me think the same of the story.

Summary/Tagline: 3* - The summary is alright. It didn't really hook me at all and I wasn't curious to know whats up.

Characters: 3* - The story follows 4 siblings: Lucy, Edmund, Susan, and Peter, but the story POV hops mostly to Lucy and Edmund within chapters together, but when split up, they actually do get their own chapters. The kids are alright, they are kids with varying importance I suppose. The story centers around the Prophecy/Chosen One, or in this case 4 chosen ones, trope where the kids have to save a magical world from the Witch from book 1, but never once mentions her name in this book which I thought was weird, but whatever. Now, although this book is VERY much a product of its time, the kids are important in order to save Narnia, it seems more like Peter is "more" important in order to rule Narnia later, which would've been nice to see his POV in this book about this whole ordeal, but kids book so we don't follow teenagers.

World Building: 3* - Like in book 1, the world building is taken a back seat in this book, but we do get to learn a little something about Narnia now that time has gone by, but the information wasn't really extraordinary, and its good for youngsters to wrap their head around.

Story: 3.5* - Actually the story was pretty good. I do prefer this one over book 1, it's just ... got some outdated things when it comes to gender roles. If you can get through that, you may be able to get through this whole series I think. The story is, kids enter a wardrobe to a magical world called Narnia(From Book 1), that for some reason is always Winter and never Christmas. Why? Just assume the evil witch just did it because ... reason? The kids are then told of a prophecy that states 4 humans will come and save Narnia from the evil of the White Witch, and there you go. Journey ensues. Oh, the action was also written well, when presented, other than that, expect the battles to be fade to black stuff lol.

Over All: 3* - All in all, like book 1, this series is turning out serviceable for what I need ... which is read to my son to help him fall asleep at night lol. Most likely when I do finish this series, I don't really see myself rereading the Narnia series. The Christianity Allegory is VERY much present and the story is outdated when it comes to gender roles, and don't give me, "well it was written back then." No s*** Sherlock, it doesn't make it good. Oh yeah, just know some scenes are cringey to read. Ok that's it.