A review by lizziehutchings
Second Chances by V.E. Schwab


~~edit 11/21/21~~

I pretty much feel the same way about this book now than I did like six months ago. I really liked the first book, and I think the next one is much better. But I did it! I re-read my least favorite V.E. Schwab book.

Have a wonderful morning :-)


3.5 stars

Aaaaalrighty, this book was certainly not as good as the first one, and this is for several reasons.

Characters. Aria, fantastic as always. Caroline, not as fantastic, but relatable in some way, form, and shape. I feel like I was a little salty because this took place at a private school and like all the kids were jerks. Like, come on. That stereotype is getting old, especially for me--who is, in fact, not a jerk (at least I don't think so). I was super super excited when I figured out that Aria had two cases to solve. I was like...yessssssss dOuBlE aGeNt bAbYyYyY! But then she didn't even interact with her other girl, and I was, like, really sad, because how cool would it be for her to discover how insecure Lily actually was by like--you know--trying to be her friend, which is what she needed.

Plot. I feel like I should have related to the plot points in this story more than I was, given that I had a falling-out with a best friend of mine in middle school. But I really loved that the book focused on the importance of separating yourself from a toxic friendship, but it also covered how bad burning bridges is. Honestly, it made me want to call up my old friends and be like: "I just appreciate you and how you made a mark in my life and personality."

Writing. I mean, it's our Queen Victoria Schwab. So, how can she go wrong? This book fell short compared to the first one, but the writing was there and shining brightly. We love V.E. Schwab, you have written something with so much significance and wisdom woven into the text.

Have a fantastic morning