A review by nikkic66
We Band of Angels: The Untold Story of American Nurses Trapped on Bataan by the Japanese by Elizabeth M. Norman


The fact that this is based on historical accounts of real nurses who were imprisoned is incredible! Especially since many are no longer alive today--it's what little historical record we have from women involved in this part of the war. This was a great project for the author to work on.

As far as technique and writing--the organization is a bit messy and at times it may be difficult to realize which character's perspective is being looked at or where we are in the timeline (there is jumping around a bit time wise). Also, there are times when the tone changes so much. The author starts out being objective--like a historian collecting accounts of the war and internment then at several points, the author's voice changes so much that it seems like she positions herself as "one of the gals" or main characters of the story. Despite the technique, I loved learning about these women and what they endured.