A review by dreamofbookspines
Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham


I'd somehow forgotten how utterly approachable Cunningham's writing style makes his books. He's non-threatening and friendly, two excellent traits for someone who wrote a lot of introductory books for wicca. Even though it's supposed to be a "further guide", a lot of the stuff is the same from his first book "Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner". He does expand on some concepts and adds in things like creating your own tradition, but a lot of it seems repetitive. Also the longer I read it, the more his writing style irritates me. He writes like an authority, but then says no author is an authority. It seems very black-and-white, when in fact theological issues are anything but that.

Overall I think the book is more useful to someone who has been practicing for less time than I have, and someone who is not as widely read. This sounds pompous, but I do think it's true. This book would be an excellent companion to some other introductory books on paganism more generally. As always, question as you read and be introspective/reflective.