A review by raviwarrier
Who Owns the Future? by Jaron Lanier


This year I decided that I'd read books that do not conform to my world-view, just to get to know the other side's point of view. This book is one amongst those.

While the author does argue with conviction, in my opinion, they fall short of making a real point. Mainly because the ' in his case is very new and young and there's no way one can definitively say that people will not find other things to do or jobs to undertake. For example, the looms, that the author mentions, put many off their jobs is true; but it's also true that people sprung back. And it didn't happen in 2 decades. That's how old the mainstream Internet is.
Also, people who make money are the ones others perceive as adding value. Udemy has tons of trainers, but a few successful ones. This is because information spread is fast and the population at large realizes that they eventually vote with their money.
The authors attempts are commendable, but as left wanting of wisdom that he tries hard to display.