A review by purple676
One-Eyed Royals by Cordelia Kingsbridge


Let me start with two words:


that chapter had me so messed up . it was horribly amazing.

this whole beautiful book was amazing. Like I have so many favorites . first there is Levi who owns my soul. I relate to him A LOT. And that scene with the scisors was just wow holy shit.

Then there is Leila Rashid. What a queen.

And of course Martin, Adriana, Natasha. And kinda Gibbs too.

Sawyer as well. Likr I KNEW Levi would eventually end up sleeping with him and ngl low key liked that but Dom is the main boo even tho he really annoyed me in this book . No because he had an addiction . I get what it feels to be addicted to sth. What irked me was that he refused to accept he had a problem. But He and Levi made up at the end so that was good. I loved that they had each other’s backs even when they were not together.

And we can’t forget about my baby Stanton. Like that man is good , OK. And he deserves to be happy. I wish he could have a sequel or sth.

And Rebel that cute dog. She is the best. UWU.

And SOS. I have a love hate relationship with that dude.