A review by irasobrietate
Star Wars: Prelude to Rebellion by Jan Strnad


Who's ready for a rant about Cerean gender politics??

So Cereans have a really lopsided gender breakdown: 20 women for every man. Yet despite the fact that there are so many more women than men, it's still a painfully heterosexual world. It seems to practice polygamy, but not polyamory. The women married to a single man seem to have a sort of combative relationship; there's a primary bond-wife and the rest of the women are honor-wives. This would have been a prime opportunity for some good queer polyamory and they fucking fell down on the job I am so angry.

Plus, despite the fact that there are drastically fewer men than women, the majority of the Cerean characters in this book were still men?? I feel like all the members of the Elder's Council were men and I am just floored. Hell, the main character is a dude and I am so mad that it wasn't the queer woman that it clearly should have been based on their species breakdown.

The actual story is pretty much the usual SW action/adventure nonsense but I'm just so angry about their gender politics I could scream which leaves me hating this comic series.