A review by booklifebalance
You're Always Enough: And More Than I Hoped For by Romina Galotta, Emily Ley


I instantly read this to my kids. When I finished reading my 7-year-old son asked, “Mommy, am I always enough for you?” It was so heartwarming to see the smiles on their faces and their excitement noticing all of the little details throughout the book.

Speaking of little details, I love the beautiful illustrations in this book as well as the diverse characters. As for the writing, the message is so sweet and important for our kiddos. Things are not always going to be easy and they will have struggles—we all do. Regardless, we will always love them. They are special and they are ENOUGH. I’ve dealt with anxiety all of my life, but didn’t realize that’s what it was until I was in my late teens (it’s just not something that was ever talked about to me). I see both of my kids have anxious moments and I think the message from this book with help them through those tough moments. When I see the anxiety creeping in, I will remind them, “…just focus deep inside your heart and gather all your strength. Remember you have what you need to get through anything.”

I’ve been following Emily Ley for a while now. I’ve loved her products as well as the books she’s written, so I was very excited when she announced she was giving a children’s book to the world. Boy, did she deliver.