A review by anotherhalima
Tears of Fire by Sierra Knoxly


hands down the most boring of all the books so far!

ava is the most boring character to follow. she’s not smart or interesting and even when she’s op at the end its so lacklustre. all the guys are in awe of her and i’m like meh. idk i like when mfc is strong without powers and by strong i don’t mean physically only. there is nothing about ava to make her compelling character and we spend most of the time in her head.

anyway… i hope we have more of the guys’ pov next. i doubt we will but i girl can hope.
uhm i wish the author spread out the the last half the book. we spent so much time on relationship drama that was kind underwhelming. that should’ve been spent on what happened in the last thirty percent.

ava being pathetic and then being so op was soooooo boring!!! i would’ve preferred if she at least tried to make something of herself while she was still human would’ve been nice.

taking and harper get to be close and have moments together that was so cute! once again mm being done better in this series. i’m not complaining. i rather that then all of them be what ava has going on

i thought this series was completed?so i was kinda annoyed when the author said they’ll be sixth. oh well..

rh kinda mesh together for me after a while so if i still remember it when the sixth comes out then i’ll read it.

all in all i enjoyed this series for what it was. it is definitely one of the better rh i read that’s for sure.