A review by alyssa_hollingsworth
Superman, Volume 5: Hopes and Fears by Peter J. Tomasi


In a lot of ways, this one felt a bit like a filler episode on TV--a couple of short stories that were powerful in places, but overall weren't that gripping.

We start with a family vacation around the USA. I liked the moments of humor and the small superhero tasks Superman found along the way, but I also felt like this was at my limit of sentimental/patriotic boooooorderline propaganda. It didn't feel as genuine as some of Peter J. Tomasi's other work.

The middle arc (which was a crossover with the Green Lantern universe, I think? excuse my ignorance) had a few moments in the climax that got me, and I loved the end, but I wasn't terribly invested because I'm not familiar with the characters who jumped in the story.

The last arc (Lois Lane interviews Deadpool) I enjoyed because anything Lois Lane centric is my jam. The art sort of got anime-ish in places, here, though, and I also wished that it wasn't so obviously a test of Superman--I feel like we've played those games, done that story before. Still, Lois Lane 5ever.

Rebirth is my favorite Superman run to date because I just love seeing him navigate with family dynamics. This volume isn't the best in the series, but any excuse to hang out with the Clarks is one I'll take.