A review by munocr
The Dom's Dungeon by Cherise Sinclair


I enjoyed all the other BDSM series by this author, but this one was difficult.

Like so many other stories we see a male Dom and female Sub who is still new to BDSM and sheltered sexually. My problem in this is how the underage prostitution was addressed. I am not a person easily turned off based on triggers but underage age gap is the line for me. That IS NOT the situation here, both propagate full adults. But our female was forced into prostitution for a year as a young teen. When this comes to light all the other characters see this as teenage fiascos, rather than abuse and assault. That is where I struggle, and it even goes further where the male states that he thought she was raped…. Ummm she was repeatedly for a year….

This is fictional and I am not upset about the horrible events this character experienced. But the way in which this was identified is the item I dislike the most. Even fictional child can’t consent to prostitution.