A review by blueeyedshook
American Wife: Love, War, Faith, and Renewal by Taya Kyle, Jim DeFelice


What a tragedy this family has gone through. And yet what hope they have inspired.

It is so difficult for me to review a book like this because the story cannot be compared to "American Sniper" even though at least half of it is the same basic story from a different perspective.

A lot of the book felt like a defense of her husband and his book. Like she was trying to show people that he wasn't what so many people were calling him after his book but that he was in fact a hero and loving husband. Which I can totally understand. And personally believe. It just wasn't what I expected from the book.

I felt like the writing was disjointed at times, pulling in whole paragraphs or sections on details like what she was wearing or odd things that didn't so much fit. And yet other details that seemed very important were left out. She doesn't even say at first what happened with Jesse Ventura, just that the Jesse Venture situation happened. Then later went into detail about the lawsuit. Times like that felt a bit like I wasn't an insider because I didn't follow parts of their lives in the media. Also even though I know she did it for her own grief purposes, she didn't talk at all about what wounds Chris sustained at his death. At all. Just shot. Yet at the end she said that this book was a way to memorialize her memories so she doesn't ever have to be concerned with forgetting and I can respect that. I guess that's what the odd details are included.

Overall, I have really felt for this family and reading both of their books touched my heart even more deeply.