A review by mountie9
Open Secret by Deryn Collier


The Good Stuff

Bern is a truly fascinating character. Author does an excellent job of creating a character who is obviously still dealing with PTSD
Interesting ti get a little bit more about Bern's backgrounds
Storyline was fascinating and had me hooked
Some of the story broke my heart as the characters felt all too real
Author has a gift for recreating a small BC town - again the setting feels authentic and the characters are realistic with many flaws - so basically like those in any community
Need to find out more about Bern's past and those of the rest of the town
An intelligent thriller - you really need to pay attention to all the little details

The Not So Good Stuff

Story jumped around a lot from the past to present and it often felt a little disjointed
Not enough details

Favorite Quotes/Passages

"Word was that his mother was now in a wheelchair and his father was serving a twenty-year sentence in the US for pot trafficking. Americans took their marijuana seriously."

"Bern locked eyes with the younger man and marveled that even the Canadian army count not reach inside some men and stamp out their will."

"The silent partners in this tragedy were the gangs at work behind the scenes. The master puppeteers. Their fingerprints were everywhere, they were to blame for everything, and yet they remained invisible. Perhaps he could find them while there was still something of a soldier left in him."

3.75/5 Dewey's

I received this from Simon and Schuster in exchange for an honest review

If you are interested in meeting Deryn Collier - she will be at the Calgary Public Library on March 18th along with Andrew Pyper and Nick Cutter (craig davidson) For more info