A review by anjana
The Riddle of the Fractal Monks by Jonathan Pinnock


This was probably the best of the three books. It is quite possible that by now, I am accustomed to the randomness of events or the even more random conversations between the main protagonists. This time around, there is no time spent on pleasantries, and we are plunged quite literally into the narrative. For those who haven't read the previous books, this will make little to no sense so I highly advise either reading a very detailed synopsis of the last two if not the books entirely (the latter might be the best course of action). Without too much of spoiler, Tom and Dorothy ended the previous escapade with things looking good for them life-wise, but Dorothy is obsessed with the Vavasors, and it turns out she is still digging. It is hard to imagine that there is something to unearth at this point, but this instalment proves us wrong in a very spectacularly grand fashion.

It seemed like the pace was also much faster than the previous times they set out to investigate. Their learning capacity appears to have progressed. I was a little surprised to find out at the end that we have yet another mystery waiting for us. I was partly annoyed and partly happy because my reaction to this particular book meant that I might like the next as well. It is always nice to look forward to a sure thing. Annoyed because it seemed nearly impossible that there could be anything left for them to do. Old friends and even older enemies come out of the woodwork, and there are a lot of hunches that are followed here. The crumbs of clues lead them on a very wild chase with people in close pursuit nearly all the time. I even got the maths of this one a little more than before. If you are on the lookout for a wacky series of (almost) misadventures, then this might just be it.
I received an ARC thanks to NetGalley and the publishers, but the review is entirely based on my own reading experience and my knowledge of the previous books in the series.