A review by rhodaj
The Girl Behind the Wall by Mandy Robotham


3.5 stars

Thank you to HarperCollins Australia for sending me a copy of this book to review!

When the Berlin Wall goes up, Jutta on the west side is distraught as her beloved sister Karin is in hospital on the east side. Consoling herself with the thought that once Karin is released from hospital she will be permitted to return home to West Berlin, the family are shocked to discover that will not be happening and that all of their formal requests to go to East Berlin are denied.

I’ve read two other books by this author and loved them, so was quite looking forward to reading this one, although I do have to say that I didn’t love this book quite as much as the other two.

The comparison of the lives that Jutta and Karin were living on either side of the Wall was interesting and I enjoyed reading about how quite different their daily lives were. I didn’t find either character particularly engaging though and as such, I never felt completely immersed in the story. Overall I would still say this is a solid book if you’re interested in this subject, but one I liked rather than loved. ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5/5