A review by alexis58
Dangerous Creatures by Kami Garcia


This book is a prime example of what wasted potential looks like. I'm all for an evil protagonist. It's refreshing. However, Ridley isn't evil. At the best of times, she whines. The rest of the time, she is just annoying. To be fair, I haven't read any of the Beautiful Creatures series. I don't know what Ridley if is the same boring character in those as she is in this. I also don't know if the magical elements would have made more sense because nothing was explained in this book. Ever.

The Plot: A magical girl and boy travel to New York. He wants to become a rock star despite a lack of talent. She wants to tag along in order to sell his soul. True love at its finest. There isn't really that much of a plot. Instead of a plot, we have a lovely tale of hair salons, supposed magic, and a love triangle. Honestly, could we call it a YA book without that?

Ridley Duchannes: The sad source of the Potential. Seriously, if this had gone just a little differently, my rating would have been a lot higher. Ridley is a Siren. Not the kind with a tail. Or the kind with a brain. She gets her power from lollipops, and her thoughts from a place so shallow that it can't be spotted anywhere in these pages. After being allowed to crash at her boyfriend's bands' house, she immediately attacks one of the band drummers for talking to her boyfriend and is horrified at the bed she is offered. Nothing is good enough. Her boyfriend asks her to let him make his own way, so she gets a job at a hair salon. She is much too good for that. When someone she considers a friend is fatally sick, she runs away to flirt with someone with someone she is supposed to hate. Oh, Ridley calls a couple times but doesn't worry about it all that much as she plays dress up with clothes given to her by a *gasp* magic closet. She rarely uses her powers to do anything useful. Ridley's not evil. She spends most of her time crying and sniffling over pointless things.

Link: The boyfriend. He's moronic. He speaks in stereotypical southern sayings. He doesn't do much. Except accuse, make fun of, and speak down to Ridley. He's an Incubus. Which, as far as I can tell, is an useless person with heightened senses who writes love songs about food...that he can't even eat.

Lennox Gates: The Other Love Interest. He's supposed to be evil. He's not. He's just kind of perverted and pathetic. He uses one of the band members' body without her knowledge. He kidnaps Ridley sister. He's obsessed with Ridley. He, also, does nothing useful.

This book was given two stars mostly because I got threw it quickly and had references to rock music in it.

"My name is Ridley Duchannes, and nobody tells me what to do. If I want you to kiss me, believe me, you'll want to kiss me." ~ a quote that makes you have higher expectations than you should.