A review by mbenzz
Doors of Sleep by Tim Pratt

Did not finish book.
Super cool concept, poor execution. This book moves at such a jarring frenetic pace that you never get to appreciate all the different worlds Zax travels to.

Some worlds he’s in for a couple days, but many he’s in for the span of a paragraph or two. If it’s deemed dangerous, he immediately forces himself to sleep so he wakes up somewhere else.

The bad guy chasing our main character across worlds is cheesy and and feels like a poor mans Doctor Who arc. And the amount of convenience is the story is crazy. Minna’s abilities miraculously mirror exactly what needs to be done to get them out of jam after jam. It all felt very lazy.

In the end, I DNF’d it at 35%. I just never cared about any of the characters, and the different worlds, which should have been exciting and new, were so fleeting and rushed that you aren’t given enough time to really appreciate any of them. Life is short, so I moved on.