A review by lisaeirene
The Virus and the Vaccine: The True Story of a Cancer-Causing Monkey Virus, Contaminated Polio Vaccine, and the Millions of Americans Exposed by Debbie Bookchin


First: I do NOT believe that autism is caused by vaccines. The so-called doctor who perpetrated this claim has since been debunked, called out as a fraud and has had his medical license taken away (http://www.cnn.com/2011/HEALTH/01/05/autism.vaccines/index.html). Yet thanks to Jenny McCarthy and other brain-dead idiots, this thought continues to thrive. I cannot list on both hands how many people I've talked to who actually believe vaccines are bad and cause autism (I don't have enough hands).

That being said, this book was very scary. I'm on the fence on whether I believe it.

I WANT to believe it because I know our government is corrupt and I think there is too much money in "finding a cure" and "raising awareness" than there is in actually CURING cancer. I do think the government and pharmacies are probably screwing us all royally. At the same time, I've been vaccinated for things my whole life, as my family has, and none of us have any medical issues as a results.

Back to the book. I knew very little about Sark, the polio virus, and new zilch on SV40. I'd read somewhere that there was a 10 year span where the polio virus accidentally infected people with polio instead of preventing it, but I didn't know much. This books delves into the history, the science, the controversies and the current day stuff. It was fascinating, I read it in one day, I was curious and wanted to read more and I hope to god that SV40 isn't in any vaccines I give my future children!!!