A review by virginiacjacobs
The Last Camel Died at Noon by Elizabeth Peters


I think Elizabeth Peters really hit her stride in "The Last Camel Died at Noon." The story was the most engaging in the series so far, Emerson finally became a bit comical, quipping such remarks as, "I seem to have ruined another shirt...not my fault this time, Peabody," and we finally meet a character who keeps Ramses quiet.

One thing I really like about the series is how Peters illustrates Peabody and Emerson's relationship. Peabody states that they are frequently of one mind, but it is illustrated by Emerson saying such things as "Peabody, do you think you could manage..." to which she replies, "Quite," and then, rather than tell us what Emerson is plotting, the book breaks into the action of Emerson and Peabody following through with their plans.

I am actually really excited to read the rest of the series!