A review by fishgirl182
The Midnight Queen by Sylvia Izzo Hunter


Gray is a promising student at Merlin College, studying the ancient art of magick, when one night changes his fate. When a midnight errands ends up with one of his classmates dead and Gray shouldering the blame, Gray is sent to spend the Long Vacation at the home of Professor Callender. There is no love lost between the two but Callender's home is the safest place for Gray while he tries to find out what really happened that night and clear his name. The upside to his mandatory stay is that the Professor has a smart, inquisitive daughter who is intrigued by Gray. Sophie Callender and Gray become fast friends, though they must hide it. Sophie's father has some antiquated ideas about women studying magick, so she must hide her association with Gray. However, as the two become closer they discover a sinister plot that they must stop. Along the way they discover secrets about their own pasts that make their mission even more dangerous.

This is another book that I had high hopes for but that, unfortunately, fell below my expectations. The world building was unique and I enjoyed the historical twist on this magical world. However, I found that the pacing was really slow and rambling. There wasn't enough conflict to keep the story moving and I had a very hard time staying interested in it.

The language and writing style was definitely different and stylized and fit with the historical period for the most part, but I found it to be distracting at times. My favorite character was Joanna, Sophie's younger sister. She isn't afraid to speak her mind and often says what everyone else is thinking.

I found it refreshing that Gray and Sophie's relationship started off as a real friendship and didn't jump straight into romance. They had a real likeness of mind and could themselves around each other.

While there were aspects of this book that I did like, it was simply too slow for me I struggled to finish it. If you like long, rambling stories filled with detailed descriptions and fantastic settings, I think you might enjoy this book. The magical world was very unique and the characters were very likable. I just needed more action to capture my attention and move the story along. I don't think I will be continuing with this series though I would read another book by Hunter.

*I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This in no way affected my review or opinion of the book.