A review by meloches
Area 62 by Michael R. Martin


When Colin purchases an abandoned building near his home to expand his business, he is excited at his new venture. However, after speaking to those around him, he begins to hear stories of strange occurrences that happened there years before. As he digs deeper and deeper into the past, he begins to uncover and awaken the darkest of government secrets. Area 62 by Michael R. Martin is dark, intricate and forces the reader to throw out anything they have been told.

The general plot of the book I loved. A man entering an abandoned space, creepy things begin to happen, and he uncovers a conspiracy. As soon as the storyline became clear, I was intrigued. UFOs creep me out. I am not sure if I believe in them but I’m not taking any chances ya know? However, as much as I loved the UFO aspect, there was a lot that was right over my head. There were several parts that were saturated with physics and technical sci-fi elements that I found myself skimming over until I could back to the actual plot.

About halfway through, the pace picked up, the technical language stopped and I found myself snuggling into this read. I loved how the relationship between the characters developed and the twists (which I will not say, to remain spoiler free!) intertwined with the government.

Overall, I loved the general direction the author took, was absorbed the characters but found the execution to be problematic for me (probably since I don’t read a lot of science fiction). I feel like fans of H.G Wells and Michael Crichton would relish in this read!

Thanks to the author for a copy of this book; it was my pleasure to provide an honest review.