A review by eesh25
The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman


This was a great read. Gaiman really knows how to pull of a folk-esque tale with his choice of characters and the setting he creates. The Hempstocks were so intriguing, made so by us knowing just enough to be fascinated by them but not enough for them to feel real.

I also loved how Gaiman really made you feel the fear and horror of being a frightened child, helpless in the face of the adults in his life. Not to mention how creepy this book is. I can totally see my younger self having nightmares about Ursula Monkton. My adult self, on the other hand, was more affected by how unhappy the protagonist's life seems. So many of Gaiman's protagonists are very sad adults. Why is that? Are you okay, Mr. Gaiman?

Anyway, the final third of the story maybe got dragged out a tiny bit. The ending... I'm not sure how I feel about it. No positive or negative feelings, it just was. Overall, I really liked this book, and loved Gaiman's narration for the audiobook. Definitely recommend.